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To date (03/12/24), Kennel Carradine have "made up" 24 UK Champions across Cairns and Norwich!

Ch Carradine Apple Jack 2024

Champion Carradine Apple Jack Cairn Terrier

Apple is the First Cairn Terrier to win his champion title under the 'new rules '


Apple was unshown until the Junior class - he needed time to ripen!


A glorious bright red, shown in full coat with a tremendous head and fabulous expression.


Apple is sired by the Crufts BOB winning dog Ch Coharra Be More and his dam is Ch C. Jo.


A delightful dog to live with and siring some very promising babies!


The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree at Carradine ❤️

Ch Carradine Precious Pumpkin Pie 2023

Champion Precious Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin is sister to Arfa Pint and wasn’t shown much as a puppy. She is what we call a “slow mature” and whilst her qualities were there as a puppy she was somewhat gangly and needed to mature. We waited and it paid off! Dawn handled Pumpkin to her first CC at Bournemouth Champ under Moray Armstrong and then Lucy took over as Dawn had another female to show. Pumpkin won her next 3 CC’s at Birmingham (Bill Browne Cole) Belfast (Alan Small) and the North of Ireland Club show (Ann Ingram). We are thrilled to “make up” both Arfa and Pumpkin and this is our 3rd brother/sister combo to both make Champ status. The others being Henry & Minnie and Jack and Irene.

Ch Ragus Blowing Kisses to Carradine 2023

Champion Ragus Blowing Kisses to Carradine Norwich Terrier

Capers is our first Norwich Terrier. Dawn fell in the love with the breed when she visited Lesley Crawley’s Ragus kennel for some grooming tuition. It wasn’t long before Dawn was collecting a Ragus Norwich and we didn’t expect to fall for the breed quite like we have! Whilst they are still Terriers, with a capital T, they are very different to Cairns. The Cairns come out in the morning and say “hi mum” then fly off up the garden in pursuit of mischief. Contrast that with the Norwich, that come out and say, “group hug, can’t do anything until we have had our morning group hug” and I have to squat down and group hug the now 4 Norwich Terriers. Capers has taught me to groom Norwich, after making her look like a very nice Cairn at several shows, I had to tweak my style and conquer “compact”! Capers has won 4 CC’s and 1 RCC. We are hopeful of breeding from Capers and having more Norwich fun!

Ch Carradine Arfa Pint JW 2023

Champion Carradine Arfa Pint Cairn Terrier
Champion Carradine Arfa Pint

Arfa won his first RCC at 7 months old under breed specialist Geoff Thomas at WELKS 2022. His first CC was awarded at Windsor 2022 under another breed specialist Louise Peers. His second CC and first Best Of Breed was won at Southern Counties 2023 under breed specialist Ann Kippen, and the third and most important CC and second Best Of Breed was won at Bournemouth 2023 under Mr Murray Armstrong, a well respected judge of many breeds. Arfa is owned by and handled by Lucy, and this is her first Champion! 

Ch Carradine Jo 2022

Carradine Cairn Terrier
Carradine Cairn dog show

Jo won a couple of RCC’s before the lockdown and was consistently placed when the shows started back. Mum and I resigned ourselves to the fact that she was “never going to get there” having won 2 CC’s in 2021 and then seemed to get stuck on RCC’s for a while… all of her CC’s came with “doing the double” 2 with Sprout and 1 with Paddy. It was Bert Easden who gave Jo her 3rd CC at SKC and then one week later she won her 4th CC under Paul Eardley at Bath. Jo is by George and out of the little shown bitch, Bobbie who lives with my brother and sister in law. 

Ch Carradine Whiskey Oscar 2021

Carradine Cairn Terrier Dogs
Champion Carradine Whiskey Oscar

Oscar won 2 CC’s before the lockdown and we wondered if he would be our Covid Champion but he was “made up” when the shows returned and now lives a wonderful live with his young family in Kidderminster! Oscar has sired some lovely young pups who are doing well for us in the UK. Oscar is the sire of Sprout and grandsire of Ardnehoe who now lives in France and is well on his way to winning his French Champion title!

Oscar is pictured winning his 3rd CC and also with his new family – a lovely retirement for “our boy"

Ch In 'N Out Mr Sprout 2021

Carradine Cairns and Forest Oak

Sprout, our In and Out Mr Sprout! Such a fun boy with a name that makes everyone smile. He was shown a little in puppy before lockdown and our plan for him was to bring him out after lockdown, for him to learn his art in the ring and then hope to have some fun with him the following year. However, we were not long back showing and Sprout was made up very quickly! He won 3 CC's and several reserves. He is fun to show and a great show dog too! His daughter, Wilma, has 1 CC and several reserves and his baby daughter Lilly did well at her first show winning reserve best pup in show. Sprout is great fun to live with!

Ch Carradine Sir William 2016

Carradine Cairn Terriers

We are very proud to have our First Canadian Champion and thank Mike and Jeannie for looking after Will so well!

Ch Carradine In Love With Amy 2015

Amy was bred by Dawn and Rosemary but owned by Rita and Dawn. Amy wasn’t an easy girl to show so Dawn took over showing Amy when she was in Puppy and Amy had a glittering show career. At her first show, she was just 6 mths old, she won Best Puppy in Breed and in her last puppy class at nearly 12 mths old she also won Best Puppy in Breed! She won CC’s under Bill Browne Cole, David Winsley and Jeannette Smith. Both David and Jeannette had awarded Amy BP awards too! Amy lives with Rita and Robin and their two other Cairns, Amy’s brother Tippy and Amy’s Dad Benji. Amy was always known for her beautiful flowing movement and correct head properties. She is a bit of a tom boy, not at all “girly”!

Carradine In Love With Amy

Ch Carradine George Flies with Harkinleigh 2015

George is our record breaking Cairn, or so we believe... George won 3 CC’s at 3 consecutive shows when he was 19 mths old. We think that this makes him the youngest Cairn to win his Champion title at three consecutive shows!! George was bred by Dawn and is owned by Dawn, Rosemary, Nick and Gerry. George is a lovely dog to live with but is a cupboard fanatic!! He breaks into cupboards distributing their contents all over the dog house. We now have locks on all the George’d cupboards!! George is a lovely dog to show and is known for his profile movement, head and showmanship – judges have written - Ann Ingram (Manchester 2016) - Took my eye at the very start of the class, making the most of himself... strong hindquarters which he used to best advantage on the move. David Winsley (LKA 2015) – lovely head and expression... well filled foreface... one of the few with correct feet! Geoff Thomas (MCTC 2015) just filled my eye... he dominated the ring from the moment he entered... an imposing dog of correct size and substance... moved with reach and drive in profile. Richard Rumens (CTA 2015) handled well on the table... level topline held on the move... moved true with drive. We are looking forward to showing George throughout 2016.

Ch Carradine George Flies with Harkinleigh

Irish Champion Carradine Across The Miles

Owned by Mary Dockry she was made up in 2013 – sorry no photo!

UK Champion Carradines Crackaway Jack 2011


Jack was owned during his show days by Pam Bambridge & Dawn. However, Jack now resides with Andrew and Shelagh and Jack’s daughter Tuppy! He has a wonderful life touring the UK...

As a puppy he won Best Puppy in Show at his first ever champ show - Midland Cairn Club under world renowned judge Geir Flyct Pedersen followed by then winning Reserve Best Puppy in Show at Boston Championship show.

He went through a "phase" and wasn't shown much throughout his Junior classes but his career really took off at Crufts 2011 when he won RCC under Norma Newton, he then went on to win the CC at Southern Counties under Liam Dean and his 2nd CC came at Leeds under Bill Browne-Cole. Jack's crowning 3rd CC was won at Midland Counties under Paul Wilkinson, who incidentally awarded Jack's sister, Irene the CC making Carradine and perhaps breed history with brother and sister "doing the double".

Carradine Jack at Crufts

UK Champion Carradine Come On Irene JW 2012


Irene is pictured with Dawn and judge, Bob Croyman. Bob awarded Irene Best Puppy in Show at the CTC Centenary Champ show in 2010 and he judged her again in 2012 and awarded her the all important 3rd CC giving Irene her UK Champion title. Many thanks go to Bob Croyman for thinking so highly of our Irene.

Irene is a real Cairn Princess - at home she is simply known as "princess"!

She has acquired this title from being a little bit spoilt and not being able to walk of her own accord. She pretends that her legs don't work so Mummy Dawn carries her everywhere.

Carradine Cairn, Irene

UK Champion Carradine Night Listener At Harkinleigh (Archie) 2011

Archie was bred by Rosemary & Dawn and is owned by Nick & Gerry. He is Nick & Gerry's first champion. Archie is also the first UK champion sired by C. Unique Fred; Fred has sired overseas Champions but this, like we say, is his first UK Champion.

Archie is a wonderful show dog and has never let his handlers down in the ring, he moves with purpose and is such an accomplished showman.

Archie enjoys barking at the birds, horses, passing cars, anything that moves and anything that doesn't move too!

Carradine are thrilled to have bred Archie and cherish the friendship that we now have with Nick & Gerry - here's to the future together...

Carradine Night Listener at Harkinleigh

Finnish & Estonian Champion Carradine Tara (Tara)


Tara is owned by Tiina Markula in Finland. Updated April 2013 - Tara has now won her final CACIB and is an INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION - congratulations to Tiina & Tara - well done both and thanks to Tiina for all her hard work and excellent husbandary with Tara. When Tara lived with us she was known as Tiggy Tiggy Tara then she went to live with Tiina when she was about 6 mths old. Tara has won some excellent prizes for Tiina and became a Finnish Champion in 2010. In November 2011 Tara won her Estonian Champion title too! In December 2011 Tara won her Lithuain Championship Title too and her 3rd CACIB - one more to be an INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION - good luck Tiina & Tara

Carradine Cairn Terrier

UK Champion Noncom Minnie The Minx at Carradine (Minnie) 2009


Minnie was bred by Mic & Babs Burgin. She is litter sister to Henry and they both became UK Champions before their 2nd birthday! When Minnie was 6 wks old we thought her to be very pretty but doubted she would be big enough to make the showring. She was lightly shown as a puppy but certainly as a Junior and into early adulthood she showed us all just how pretty she really is. Minnie proved herself in the maternity wing too being an excellent Mother. Minnie has now retired and lives with Gill and her boys. She is another ex show girl who enjoys holidays in Snowdonia and other rural parts of the UK.

Carradine Minnie Cairn Terrier

Ch Noncom Inett Tu Winnit with Carradine JW (Henry) 2009


Henry was bred by Mic & Babs Burgin.

He is litter brother to Minnie and they both became UK Champions before their 2nd birthday!

Henry was a handsome puppy but when we collected him from Mic & Babs he screamed all the way back to our home! He quickly settled in and stole our hearts. He won the Open Class at Manchester Champ show when he was 15 mths old and won his 3rd CC before his 2nd birthday.

Under John Bunting in 2010 he won Group 4 at East of England Champ Show. Henry won his Junior Warrant too and qualified for the JW semi finals held in London.

Henry has now retired from the show ring (all but the occasional appearance) and he lives with Gill, Emma and Abby in Droitwich; he has his own swimming pool and gerbil!

Carradine Cairn Terrier May

Ch Carradine Magic Star (Twinkle) 2009


Twinkle is a little star! She was the only one is Magic's first litter and was a mini monster from the start. Having no siblings to teach her manners, she quickly got the pet name of Taz (as in Tazmanian devil!) as she grew up she began to shine and so Twinkle Twinkle little star became a more apt name.

Twinkle was not shown much as a puppy but did very well as an adult and just after we transferred her in the joint ownership of Dawn, Rosemary & Connie, she won her 1st CC and then the two others followed in 2008 and 2009.

Twinks has now retired and lives in Scotland, we keep in touch with her family and by all accounts she is having a great time living a life of retirement mostly on the sofa!

Carradine Cairn Twinkle

German Champion Carradine Gypsy (Gypsy)


Gypsy is litter sister to Polly, owned by Satu Stenroos in Finland and Saffie, owned by Wendy Mosely in the UK. Gypsy was a fun loving puppy and we took her to her new home in Germany to meet her new family who are now totally into showing. Gypsy has had her own pups now and you can find out more about her on her new families webpage.

In August 2009 she made the German KFT (Terrier Club) Champion. In November 2009 she finshed the German VDH Champion. In October 2014, she made the German KFT Veteran Champion. Finally, on 9. November 2014 at the fantastic International CACIB in Karlsruhe, she qualified for the German VDH Veteran Champion.

Her first litter was also very successful, Alice made German Junior KFT Champion, the sister Abby is German KFT/VDH Champion, Croatian Champion, International Champion and was the Zagreb winner 2013.

Carradine Cairn Gypsy

Finnish Champion Carradine Polly Flinders (Polly)


Polly was the first Cairn we exported to Finland. She lives with our great friends Satu & Mika. Polly won her Championship title in Finland in 2009 and has since had a litter of puppies. She has a great personality and enjoys listening to English chit chat!

Carradine Cairn Polch

UK Champion Glenchess Gabriel Over Carradine (Sam) 2008


Sam was bred by Steve & Elaine Short, they had used Flic Flac at stud and ran a couple of pups on but at 6 mths old Elaine decided not to keep the boy, that was Sam. We bought him home and he immediately jumped into the TV cabinet and sat there for ages! Sam is a great character and loves to play with Ella (Chris' Patterdale). Sam is sire to Irene & Jack and Tara in Finland.

Carradine Cairn Sam

Int & UK Champion Glenmore's Top Gun (Tobi) 2007


Top Gun was bred by Christiane Wentzel in Germany. Elfriede Heidecker had seen this superb male at a show on the continent and suggested that I contact Christiane to see about using Top Gun. As things have a habit of doing, one thing lead to another and before I knew it Top Gun was living with us. He was a fantastic house dog and loved to play and entertain us in the evenings. He was quickly made up and returned back home with 4 CC's and a Group 3! He was with us during 2006/2007.

Carradine Cairn Tobiman

UK Champion Carradine Master Tigger (Tigger) 2006


Tigger is owned by Margaret and they live together in Birmingham. Tigger is a very well trainined Cairn (most of the time), he can ride a skateboard, tidy his toys away and does agility too. Tigger was made up in 2006 winning 3 CC's, all with BOB.

Carradine Cairn Tig

UK Champion Hyde Castle Flic Flac for Carradine (Flic) 2005


Flic was bred in Austria by Elfriede Heidecker of the Hydecastle Cairns. Dawn saw the pups when they were about 12 wks old and selected Flic, Elfi ran him on (due to our pet passport scheme) and Flic came to the UK as a mature male. We had to wait a while before showing him and at his 1st UK champ show he was 2nd place to the CC winner, under the world renowned judge Mrs J G Parker Tucker. Flic was hardwork in the ring and I always describe handling as being like "flying a kite". Flic won 3 CC's and has proved himself as a stud.

Kennel Carradine Cairn Terrier

UK Champion Carradine Toblerone (Toby) 2002


Toblerone was unshown until he was 15 mths old. He was a very raw puppy and to be honest, positively ugly. BUT when he was 8 weeks old he was really very lovely with everything just where we wanted it. We "put him in the cupboard" and patiently waited, even thinking at one time of selling him, until Jean Curtis came over and said "be patient". We were and it paid off.

Toblerone won the CC at Crufts in 2003 and again in 2004 but this time with Best of Breed. It was a dream come true. And in his critique the judge, Jim Jeffrey wrote:

What an outstanding class of adult males, 6 British Champions,5 Overseas Champions and 2 without their titles, who, in my opinion are worthy Champions. Any one of these dogs could have won this class and it was hard to leave any without a card. It was the best class of dogs I have ever judged and it was a great honour to go over so many very good cairns. 1st Mrs Harrison & Mrs Formosa’s CH. CARRADINE TOBLERONE Dark brindle. Fits the standard in all aspects, great head and expression, correctly made front, strong quarters, excellent body shape, topline and tail carried correctly, good hard coat. Moved around the ring like a well oiled machine without any effort, about the best I have seen him move. Dog CC & B.O.B

Toblerone did 2 tours of duty with Elfriede Heidecker in Austria and was shown in Hungry, Germany, Italy, Austria and travelled over 10,000 km! He won the titles of International, German (VDH & KFT) and Austrian Champion.

What words can you write that sum up the feeling of living your dreams?

Sadly, our Dream Boy Toby passed away in 2014. The end of an era... He was truly an exceptional Cairn.

Carradine Cairn Toby

UK Champion Carradine Hot Potato (Spud) 2001


Mum and I disagreed when Spud was a puppy – at 8 wks of age, I loved him and, shall we just say, that Mum didn’t...

He went through a prolonged “ugly stage” and we didn’t show him until he was over 14 mths old! He came out with a bang by winning Best In Show at a breed Club Open Show.

Spud was competing with Ch Kinkim Ludvic and won 7 consecutive RCC’s to Ludvic. Eventually Spud won his title. Spud was retired to a wonderful forever home with David & Jo, where he spent many happy summers travelling the UK with them in their mobile home.

Carradine Cairn Hot Potatoe

Polish Champion Carradine Adora (Dora)



Adora was exported to Poland in 2001. She is by Ch Carradine Hot Potato out of Ch Carradine Alice.

Carradine Cairn Adora

Austrian Champion Carradine Magic (Magic)


Magic went to live with Elfriede Heidecker in Austria when she was a young pup. She proved an excellent show and brood bitch and produced many champions, including UK Ch Hyde Castle Flic Flac For Carradine.

Carradine Cairn Magic

UK Champion Carradine Alice (Alice) 1998


Alice was the most beautiful bitch we have ever owned, considered by many breed experts to have the most wonderful and typical Cairn head. She was a delight to show; when she was outside the ring she didn’t look anything but take her under the rope and into the ring and she came alive. Alice was an absolute joy to show and own. She was one of the first Cairns that would respond to your smile alone and she would occupy herself for hours with an empty plant pot. Alice was sired by our first Champion, Eustace. Alice lived with us until her peaceful end – a wonderful dog to own!

Carradine Cairn Alice

UK Champion Carradine Eustace (U.E) 1997


Eustace was our first Champion. 1997 was an emotional year, in early 97 we were told that my Dad had upto 18 mths to live and he died in June that year, We won our first ever CC with Eustace in April at National Terrier under Judy Parker Tucker, together with Best of Breed and we found out late in 97 that Eustace had gone sterile. It was an emotional rollercoaster to say the least.

In 1998 we had to make the decision to retire Eustace and he went to live with a wonderful family in Great Barr. We kept in touch with them until Eustace passed away aged 13. Winning your first CC with such a lovely dog, who had been beautiful since a puppy, is still something that can bring a tear even now. We would like to thank Judy Parker Tucker for allowing us to use Ch & Am Ch Uniquecottage Gold Grouse at stud and for all her silent support throughout Eustace's show career.

Carradine Cairn Eustace

Kennel Carradine & Dawn Carradine Inett

Licenced by Wychavon District Council to Breed Dogs with a 5 Star Licence
Licence Number 202/02312/ANIACT

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